I have made it to week 3 of P90X and am starting my fourth. I am really seeing and feeling the results already!
Everything seems to be going well for me lately. My students are really fun and they are actually learning stuff. I enjoy going to work. How many people can say that? I have the cabin reserved for the summer with my bro and some friends. It should be the best summer ever. My administrator wrote me a heck of a recommendation for my next job so that is great. I have fifty holes of golf in already (44 being my lowest score-with four pars!). Also, moving back is going to be cheaper than I expected. Somehow I can't help but think something bad is going to happen. I doubt it though. I can't figure out why I've been so lucky lately.
I've been recording some newer songs in my home studio and making those sound good, so I'll be sure to get those to you guys as soon as I can. I can't wait to get back in the coffee shops playing for people--that is something I really miss.
Spring break is coming this next week, and my buddy Brian and I are heading to Southern Colorado to do some mountain biking and camping with one of his friends. It should be a blast. The specific area is Durango and Silverton, I believe, so you can check that out. I will be sure to take some great pics and video to post.
Here are some pics of my first week of P90X:

And here are some from after my 3rd week:

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