Well, tomorrow is the BIG day! John and I are taking off to Nevada in about 12 hours. The many good-bye's have actually gone much better than I thought they would. Most have been tearful, but quick. Our dogs, Buck and Bella, have gone to Iowa to stay with John's parents while we get settled. This might be one of the most difficult adjustments and was definitely a hard good-bye. Although we're sad to be leaving them behind we know that they will have a wonderful time and probably will be disappointed when we bring them to Nevada and much less open space.

The trip is abou 1250 miles and should take between 16-20 hours. Luckily, since we are leaving a week before John starts training we're able to take our time, making several stops along the way.
The last week has been a roller coaster of excitement and sadness. Getting to spend a lot of time with family and friends has been wonderful and has made us realize how lucky we are to have so many special people in our lives. We are so thankful for everyone who went out of their way to spend time with us before we leave. We love you all so much!